Finance - the pulse of the economy
What is it about? The importance of financial markets is increasingly in the spotlight. Issues of stability, their role in a sustainable economy, digitalisation and new developments such as cryptocurrencies can only be meaningfully assessed with sound expertise. This requires an understanding of the roles and interactions of financial market players such as banks, stock exchanges and insurance companies. Equally important is an understanding of the processes of price formation and capital allocation in the markets.
What is being researched? The Finance profile area focuses on investigating the functioning of capital markets, the behavior of market players and the financing behavior of companies. Special emphasis is placed on the role and functioning of financial intermediaries such as banks, stock exchanges and insurance companies. In addition, the stability of financial markets and the efficiency of different financial systems and institutions are analyzed. The aim of this research is to create a sound understanding of the structure and dynamics of the financial markets and their influence on the real economy.
Why should you choose this profile area? The Finance profile area provides fascinating insights into the dynamic developments on the financial markets, which often reflect economic and political trends in a condensed and exaggerated form. A sound knowledge of finance is particularly valuable in our capital-driven market economy. The skills acquired open up a wide range of career prospects - from well-paid jobs
in financial institutions and the finance departments of large companies to positions of responsibility in consulting, strategy and corporate management.
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