Recognition of courses and studies completed abroad

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences is the contact point for students of Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Business Administration and Economics for the recognition of examinations taken abroad. The faculty coordinates the recognition procedure within the framework of ERASMUS+, overseas studies and self-organised study visits (free movers).

Send us your signed request and certificates/transcripts by e-mail in accordance with the current statute. In individual cases, the university may request an additional paper submission.

Before the mobility | After the mobility

Before the mobility – Pre-check for recognition (Form A)

With a pre-check for recognition of examination achievements, you can gain greater certainty regarding the later recognition of your modules chosen abroad and their credits. However, it is only mandatory in the Erasmus+ program.

The pre-check is possible as soon as you have received confirmation from the university abroad. However, it does not constitute actual recognition and does not oblige you to take these courses. The actual recognition (and thus the booking) of examination achievements takes place after the stay abroad with form B.

A pre-check is carried out primarily for Erasmus+ programs, because it is mandatory there and secondarily for exchange programs of a faculty or university partnership as well as a country program. In the case of free movers, a pre-check is carried out with lower priority than pre-checks in Erasmus+ and exchange programs for capacity reasons.

Important information for free movers: In the USA, pay attention to the choice of university: Extensions have levels and credit procedures that are not necessarily comparable with our system. Therefore, it is important to check the respective course level and conversion for comparability and thus the possibility of recognition.

In the free elective area, which has a different number of credits depending on the study program, the following criteria are relevant (please make sure that you fulfil the requirements yourself, economics courses are not pre-checked):

  • The module to be recognized at the university abroad must be anchored in an economics or related study program (e.g. business studies, economics, political sciences...) and be related to your study program.
  • Group work is possible if individual performance can be clearly distinguished and assessed.
  • After any necessary conversion, the credits of the modules abroad must correspond to at least the 6 ECTS credits to be earned in Hohenheim or a multiple thereof. For modules outside the ECTS, please use the table in the download area for a rough guideline.
  • For recognition in the Bachelor's program, the module taken abroad must have at least Bachelor's level.
  • For recognition in the Master's program, the module taken abroad must have at least Master's level.
  • Only Pre-check courses for which the economic and social science reference or the reference to the study program is unclear.

In the free elective area, the title of the module with which the course taken abroad is booked in the free elective area is called "Auslandsmodul" and has the module code 7771. A second foreign module has the module code 7772 etc.. In the Hohenheim study account, the course taken abroad is also shown with the course title.

Bachelor's and Master's students of business education do not have a free elective area. Thus, all courses can only be recognized as compulsory or semi-elective modules (see below).

  • For a compulsory or semi-elective module, a maximum of 2 courses abroad can be pre-checked.
  • Group work is possible if individual performance can be clearly distinguished and assessed.
  • You can have compulsory semi-elective modules pre-checked for a maximum of 30 credits including the free elective area.
  • For students of the Bachelor's and Master's programs in Education for Business and Economics, a semester workload of 30 credits can be pre-checked.
  • Courses abroad are recognized if there is no significant difference with regard to the acquired competencies:
    - Compulsory module: The acquired competencies match at least 75%. The courses must have at least 5 credits.
    - Semi-elective module: The acquired competencies are appropriate for the chosen profile/major. The course must have at least 6 credits.

  • ECTS credits, study level and competences are checked.
  • Group work is possible if individual performance can be clearly distinguished and assessed.
  • Foreign credits must be converted into the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS credits).
  • To do this, provide a conversion table from the foreign higher education institution or the total number of credits that can be earned in the foreign study program as well as the duration of the foreign study program.
  • The table in the download area provides you with a guideline for the conversion.
  • No courses are pre-checked that are intended to replace basic modules.
  • If there is an "unclear" in the checked form, please read the corresponding note.
  • After the pre-check has been carried out, you will receive form A by e-mail for your information. Then upload it to Mobility Online if you need to fill out a Learning Agreement.

Please send the completely filled in form A (as a pdf, not a scan) and a current Transcript of records (available in HohCampus) via e-mail to:

Hint: In form A under 4. please attach meaningful course descriptions with their weblinks. A pre-check without course descriptions is impossible. The course descriptions have to contain:

  • Credits (foreign credits)
  • Method of examination
  • Study program offered abroad
  • Description of competences (if this is missing, please hand in the content of the course)
  • If applicable, proof of Master’s level (possibly as a separate document)

If there is no current course description available, the pre-check can be performed with course descriptions from the past semesters. The current course description must be handed in at latest with form B.

If the course descriptions are only available as pdf documents, please send us only the relevant pages and not the whole catalogue. We also do not accept links that lead to the module catalogue in general.

  • A pre-check will only be performed if the form is filled in correctly and completely. Please stick to the module titles and module codes as they can be found in your study plan or module catalogue in Hohenheim.
  • Conversion factor of foreign credits into ECTS credits: For modules outside the ECTS, use the table in the download area as a rough guideline and send us a meaningful document or a link from the higher education institution for converting the credits into ECTS credits. Alternatively, send us the individual values (total number of credits of the foreign study program, study program in years) for conversion and verification.

If you study abroad in the winter semester, please submit the documents only after your guest university has send you a confirmation and no later than June 30th, so that you can get feedback before the mobility. Later receipt of forms will be processed according to capacities with possibly longer processing times.

If you study abroad in the summer semester, hand in the documents after you received the confirmation from your guest university.

Usually, the processing time takes 2 weeks. During the semester break personnel shortages may occur and cause longer processing times. Please do not consider further inquiries concerning the status.

Yes, when changes occur you have the possibility to hand in form A with the documents needed ("during the mobility") one more time - analogous to the first preliminary check. Students in the Erasmus+ program must take a second preliminary examination. Once you have checked and signed it, upload it again to Mobility Online if you need to fill out a learning agreement.

It is possible that after the start of your studies abroad there will be short-dated changes in courses. In these cases, you can also request a second pre-check and we will try to process it as soon as possible. Please understand that a feedback in time cannot be guaranteed due to the shortage of time.

After the mobility – Request for recognition (Form B)

After the mobility, the actual recognition of study and examination achievements made abroad takes place.

After completing your stay abroad, send your signed request (form B) and the transcript by e-mail in accordance with the current statute. In individual cases, the university may request an additional paper submission.

  • Digitally filled in request for recognition of achievements completed abroad (form B) with original signature
  • Transcript of Records of foreign university (no preliminary certificate)
  • If you have received your Transcript of Records online, please forward us the e-mail as well as the contact person of your guest university
  • Transcript of records of Hohenheim (current)
  • The conversion factor of foreign credits into ECTS credits: For modules outside of the ECTS, please use the table in the download section for a rough benchmark and send us a meaningful document or a link from your guest university to the credit conversion. Alternatively, send us the overall number of credits that can be earned in the study program and the duration of the program in order to convert and check. Alternatively, send us a link with information about the workload per credit.
  • If there has not been a pre-check for a course or module or if the pre-check has been processed with old course descriptions, please hand in the required current course descriptions. This is also valid for modules/courses that should be recognized as “Modul Ausland” within the free electives.
  • The following information should be included in the course description:
    • Credits (foreign credits)
    • Method of examination
    • Study program offered aborad
    • Description of competences (if this is missing, please hand in the content of the course)

If there has been a pre-check beforehand via form A, we use the results of this check. Modules that were checked positively for recognition do not need further checking. Unchecked modules have to be checked for recognition.

If modules in the free elective area are to be credited, at least 6 ECTS credits must be earned from courses abroad for each "Auslandsmodul" (module code 7771). The maximum 24 credits can also consist of more or less than four courses taken abroad. E.G.: Two modules of 3 credits each (abroad) result in one "Auslandsmodul" in the free elective area.

If courses abroad are to be recognized for compulsory modules, at least 5 ECTS credits must be earned. Achievements are recognized if the acquired competencies correspond to at least 75% with the learning and qualification objectives listed in the Hohenheim module catalog.

If courses abroad  are to be recognized for semi-elective modules, at least 6 ECTS credits must be earned. Achievements will be recognized if the acquired competencies fit the selected profile/major.

The foreign grades are converted under the use of the conversion tables (see downloads). Grades from countries that are not featured in the table are converted with a certain key, usually in figure of the Bavarian formula. Therefore, please do not consider further questions on the grade conversion in detail.

The concluding decision over the recognition is made by the examination commitee.

As a last step, the courses made abroad are booked by the examination office.

Due to the high number of applications and the involvement of various departments of the University of Hohenheim, the recognition procedure usually takes 4 - 6 weeks. We kindly ask you to refrain from inquiries regarding the status of the recognition.

If you have earned credits in a semester abroad and want to have them recognized at a later date, this is usually possible as study achievements do not expire but it depends on an extra examination.



Dipl. oec. Bettina Scheuing

Assistant to the Dean of Studies
Schloss Hohenheim 1 B,  Raum 119
70599 Stuttgart

Open consultation hour
Every Thursday digital on Zoom
11:00 - 12:00

for the B.Sc. study programmes: Business Administration and Economics, Sustainability & Change, Digital Business Management, Education for Business and Economics

for the M.Sc. degree programmes: Management, Economics, International Business and Economics, Education for Business and Economics, Information systems



Agatha Maisch, M.Sc.

Study programme coordination
Schloss Hohenheim 1 B,  Room 119
70599 Stuttgart

Register consultation hour by e-mail

for the B.A. study programme: Communication Science

for the M.A. study programme: Communication management and analysis