Promotion of early career researchers

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences specifically promotes the career development of young academics.
Like the faculty, the university management supports the preparation of project proposals with targeted measures and rewards outstanding achievements by its young academics.

Funding from the faculty | Funding from the university

Funding from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences

Promotion of further didactic training

Academic staff will be reimbursed for attendance and travel costs (travel expenses) for the following services:

  • Further training in university didactics
  • Media didactics training
  • Tutor training

Billing is carried out via the dean's office. The following must be submitted for settlement:

HUTTER Young Researcher Paper Award

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences presents the "HUTTER Young Researcher Paper Award" (previously "ideas & more Young Researcher Paper Award") every year. The competition is aimed at early career researchers from the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.

to the HUTTER Young Researcher Paper Award

Promotion within the INEF network

As part of the thematic network Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Finance (INEF), a limited number of research stays and conference participations by doctoral students and postdocs are funded.

to the Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Finance network

Funding from the University of Hohenheim

Seed Grants for early career researchers

Do you have an exciting idea for a research project? But still need some preliminary work before you can submit an application? Then a seed grant is the right choice. A seed grant can be used to fund preliminary scientific work and the development of ideas for a third-party funding application. To research funding

Awards and scholarships

Outstanding students and researchers need special support and encouragement. Together with sponsors and donors, the University of Hohenheim honors outstanding achievements of young academics with prizes and scholarships.

to Awards & Scholarships of the University of Hohenheim


to News from the Department of Research Funding

Portal for early career researchers

The portal for early career researchers brings together the university's wide range of offers and information on qualification and career development for early career researchers in the postdoc phase and makes them visible. It provides orientation and offers a comprehensive platform with specific tips, links and contacts for the postdoctoral phase.

to the portal for early career researchers


Dean's Office of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences

Phone +49 (0)711 459 22488
Fax: +49 (0)711 459 22785