
The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences offers qualified graduates the opportunity to pursue a doctorate. The doctoral examination consists of a scientific paper (dissertation) and an oral examination (disputation or colloquium).

A doctorate serves as proof of in-depth knowledge and the ability to do outstanding scientific work. It is the benchmark for an academic career and promotes professional opportunities. Intensive research on socially relevant topics forms the focus of a doctorate in the field of Business, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Hohenheim. Extensive professional supervision of our doctoral students and the offer of structured scientific training lay the foundation for a successful doctorate at an excellent level. This is our responsibility and our claim.

The University of Hohenheim awards the following academic degrees in the faculty:

  • Doctor of Economic Sciences (Dr. oec.)
  • Doctor of Social Sciences (Dr. rer. soc.)

In general, a doctoral project can be carried out either as an individual doctorate or within the framework of a structured doctoral study program.

 to the regulations and documents

The Dissertation - Innovative Research on Relevant Topics

The dissertation is the core of the doctorate. It is closely integrated into the research and subject areas of the professors in our departments. If you are interested in a doctorate in our faculty, get an overview of which subject area comes closest to your research interests and professional qualifications.



to the departments

First Steps towards Your Doctorate

After searching and identifying a suitable department get in touch with a potential supervisor. For contacting a potential supervisor and for a later personal talk regarding a confirmation of supervision, we recommend that you enclose a detailed curriculum vitae with a description of the relevant contents of your studies and a description of your doctoral project that is as precise as possible. A doctorate can be pursued either as an external doctoral candidate or as a research assistant in one of the departments. Please inform yourself about these possibilities in your personal talk and/or through the Graduate Academy.

to the general information on doctorates

The Doctoral Study Program in Business, Economics and Social Sciences

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences offers a structured doctoral study program "Business, Economics and Social Sciences" (until 31.08.2023 "Business Administration and Economics"). The doctoral study program complements  the individual doctorate with subject and methodological knowledge. The networking with other doctoral candidates and the exchange beyond one's own doctoral project are further advantages of the program. Participation in the doctoral study program is possible even before admission as a doctoral candidate at the faculty.

Upon passing the required examinations, the university will award a certificate of successful participation in the doctoral study program after successful completion of the doctorate. Besides, graduates may request to receive the international academic degree "Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)" instead of a doctoral degree from the faculty.

to the doctoral study program "Business, Economics and Social Sciences"

The Graduate Academy Hohenheim

The Graduate Academy administers the doctoral procedures at the University of Hohenheim and advises prospective and current doctoral candidates. It is responsible for supervision and quality assurance at the interdisciplinary level and and thus stands for the uniformity and transparency of university-wide standards in doctoral studies and thus stands for the uniformity and transparency of university-wide standards in the doctoral system.

 to the Graduate Academy

The Doctorate Portal of the University of Hohenheim

You would like to apply apply for acceptance as a doctoral candidate at the University of Hohenheim? With the doctorate portal Docata, the three faculties offer a joint digital platform to centrally register and manage doctoral proceedings.


  to the doctorate portal