The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences offers qualified graduates the opportunity to pursue a doctorate. The doctoral examination consists of a scientific paper (dissertation) and an oral examination (disputation or colloquium).
A doctorate serves as proof of in-depth knowledge and the ability to do outstanding scientific work. It is the benchmark for an academic career and promotes professional opportunities. Intensive research on socially relevant topics forms the focus of a doctorate in the field of Business, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Hohenheim. Extensive professional supervision of our doctoral students and the offer of structured scientific training lay the foundation for a successful doctorate at an excellent level. This is our responsibility and our claim.
The University of Hohenheim awards the following academic degrees in the faculty:
- Doctor of Economic Sciences (Dr. oec.)
- Doctor of Social Sciences (Dr. rer. soc.)
In general, a doctoral project can be carried out either as an individual doctorate or within the framework of a structured doctoral study program.