Before you start the LA, you must complete Form A for a preliminary check for recognition. Then download the LA from Mobility-Online and complete it digitally.
- Enter your name in the top right corner.
- Enter Olubukola Aloba from the Office of International Affairs as your contact person in the "Sending institution" fields. Use as your e-mail address.
- The English name for our faculty is "Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences". Please ask your host university for the contact person at your "Receiving Institution". This is usually the person with whom you are already in contact.
- Tick the type of mobility and fill in the data on the duration of your stay.
- Please also make sure to indicate your language level in the box for language skills and check the box accordingly.
- Please enter your study level in the "Study Cycle" field: Bachelor's degree = EQF 6 Master's degree = EQF 7
- Enter the appropriate code in the "Field of education" field: 0410 for business studies, 0311 for economics, 0320 for communication science.
The LA consists of the parts Table A (courses you want to take abroad) and Table B (recognition of courses taken abroad in Hohenheim either in the free elective area or for Hohenheim modules or suitable for the profile/specialization area).
Table A
- Enter the start and end dates of your stay.
- List all courses that you will attend at the host university. Please transfer the courses without any changes from the table "3. Information on achievements" from Form A.
- A total of 30 ECTS credits must be completed per semester, and at least 24 ECTS credits are compulsory.
Table B
The courses from Table A that you wish to have recognized must be listed in Table B (with the Hohenheim module titles or the corresponding profile/area of specialization).
Find out about the recognitin of achievements abroad and the preliminary examination (prerequisite for Erasmus+).
Recognition in the free elective area:
- Instead of the module title, enter "International module" with the module code 7771.
- Enter all modules/courses that are to be recognized as a module abroad in the free elective area. If the courses have fewer than 6 ECTS credits, courses must be combined. In this case, two or more courses may be listed for a module abroad.
- Enter the corresponding ECTS credits. There must be at least 6 ECTS credits for a module abroad.
Recognition for a compulsory module (specific Hohenheim modules):
- The modules that are recognized in Hohenheim are entered here (= preliminary check with form A has been completed).
- List of Hohenheim module titles and module codes.
- There must be at least 5 ECTS credits for a compulsory module.
Recognition for a compulsory elective module (tailored to the profile/focus area):
- The profile/focus area is entered here.
- There must be at least 6 ECTS credits for a compulsory elective module.
Upload the completed and signed LA before the mobility and the pre-check for recognition (Form A) as a pdf file to Mobility-Online.
After the Erasmus+ Departmental Coordinator has uploaded the signed LA in Mobility online again, obtain the signature of your host university. The LA must be signed by all parties and uploaded to Mobility-Online before the start of your stay abroad.
Incorrect and incomplete LAs will be objected to and you will have to edit them again and upload them again if necessary.
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