Interest groups

There are various committees and representative bodies at the University of Hohenheim that look after the concerns and interests of students and academic staff. These institutions ensure that equal opportunities issues are dealt with, academic staff are represented and student concerns are taken into account.

Faculty Gender Equality Representative | Mid-Level Faculty | Student councils

Faculty Gender Equality Representative

Each faculty elects at least one Gender Equality Representative from among its research associates.
The Gender Equality Representative is the point of contact for students and research associates in all matters related to gender equality. She takes part in the Faculty Council meetings and the professorial appointment and selection commissions with an advisory vote.
The representatives are elected for a term of office of two years. The ongoing term of office is from 1 October 2022 until 30 September 2024.

Mid-Level Faculty

The representatives for the mid-level faculty in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences represent the concerns and interests of the research associates in the Faculty. The representatives are elected for a term of office of four years.
The ongoing term of office is from 1 October 2021 until 30 September 2025.

Mid-Level Faculty Representatives

Johannes Dahlke
Institute of Marketing & Management (570)
Extension: 23864

Gerriet Fuchs

Institute of Interoganizational Management & Performance (580)
Extension: 22493

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Scheurle
Institute of Economics (520)
Extension: 23054

Günter Winterholer
Institute of Financial Management (510)
Extension: 22922


The academic mid-level faculty has four members in the Faculty Council. In addition to the elected representatives, the mid-level faculty also take on tasks in various commissions and committees, e.g. in the Commission for Study Affairs, professorial appointment commissions, and admission committees.


With an mailing list in ILIAS, regular information is sent, e.g. after committee meetings. All colleagues are invited to join this group. On the ILIAS platform, you can also find additional information and documents (e.g. positions, legal texts, tips on doctoral proceedings, etc.).


Dedicated colleagues from among the mid-level faculty are continually being sought for participation in commissions, committees, etc. If you are interested, please contact one of the mid-level faculty representatives.

Student councils

Faculty student bodies are the elected organs of students who self-manage themselves. The faculty’s student body defines itself through the members of each specific faculty. Students enrolled in each specific faculty are therefore part of the faculty’s student body.

More about the student councils


Dean's Office of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences

Phone +49 (0)711 459 22488
Fax: +49 (0)711 459 22785