Committees and commissions

The Faculty Council is responsible for all fundamentally important Faculty matters related to research and teaching that do not fall under the responsibilities of the Dean, the Faculty Board, or the management of the scientific institutions that belong to the Faculty.

By virtue of office, the members of the Faculty Board are members of the Faculty Council. According to the statues, members also includes all professors primarily employed by the Faculty, four representatives from the research associates, three representatives of other staff members, and six students.

Contact: Dean's Office of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences,

The Commission for Study Affairs gives recommendations on the further development of objects and forms of studies and on the use of funds for studies and teaching. It also participates in the evaluation of teaching using the critique of courses given by students.

The Faculty Council appoints a Commission for Study Affairs for tasks related to teaching and studies. The Commission has a maximum of ten members, four of which are students, one of whom should be a member of the Faculty Council. The Faculty Board decides on the responsibility of the Commission for Study Affairs for individual degree programs. The chairperson is the Dean of Studies.

Contact Person: Assistant of the Dean of Studies, Bettina Scheuing

For the examinations, in particular for their organization and additional tasks assigned to it, at least one examination committee will be made for the degree programs in each faculty. They ensure that the provisions of the examination regulations are upheld. They make decisions in individual cases and regularly report to the Faculty on the development of the time for examinations and studies. The examination committees are supported in carrying out their tasks by the Examinations Office.

The members and assistants are appointed by the Faculty Council. The examination committee consists of five members of the research staff primarily employed by the University, and three of these members must employed as professors. The term of office is three years. A student member has an advisory vote; the student’s term of office is one year.

Contact Person: Head of the examination committee, Prof. Dr. jur. Escher-Weingart

The doctoral committee is responsible for all decisions in the doctoral proceedings. It decides on the acceptance of doctoral candidates and the initiation of the doctoral proceedings.
The doctoral committee is made up of a total of five members from business, economics, and social sciences. The Dean or one of the Vice Deans is the chairperson.

The other members and two assistants are appointed by the Faculty Council. Three of the members must be professors (Hochschullehrer) according to Sec. 44(1)(1) LHG in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. Another member must hold a doctorate and belong to the research service electoral group (Wahlgruppe des wissenschaftlichen Dienstes). Of the two appointed assistants, one must be a professor and one must belong to the research service electoral group. When appointing these members, it should be ensured that the Faculty’s scientific concentrations are appropriately represented. The term of office is four years.

The composition of the doctoral committee is available here. Please send requests for the doctoral committee to

Decisions in the habilitation proceedings are made by the habilitation committee in the faculty responsible for the respective subject or department.

The professors and private lecturers of the expanded Faculty Council are members of the habilitation committee. The Dean is the chairperson.

Contact Person: Managing Director, Dr. Sascha Becker

For filling professorships, the President's Office will appoint a professorial appointment commission for each open position in consultation with the faculty. The commission is chaired by a member of the President’s Office or a member of the Faculty Board. The faculty has nomination rights for the make-up of the appointment commission.

In the appointment commission, the professors have a majority of votes; in addition, at least one expert, non-University member, two expert women, and one student must be members.

The appointment commissions review the applications received, invite selected applicants to hold a trial lecture, and submit appointment suggestions after receiving external reviews.

Contact Person: Asisstant to the Vice Dean for Research and Young Scientists, Dr. Johannes Klenk

The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences receives external guidance and support from its Advisory Board. The Advisory Board is an independent committee and includes different external stakeholders of the Faculty, e.g. international institutional partners, research and business partners as well as alumni. Together they advise the management of the Faculty with their professional skills and expertise on issues of strategic development. The members of the board usually meet twice a year.

Tasks of the Advisory Board

  • Providing an independent, external perspective and review of academic programs and the research agenda to ensure that the Faculty achieves a high impact; i.e., they meet the current and future demands for academic knowledge in industry, government and society.
  • Advising the Faculty on issues that have the most significant impact on the accomplishment of its mission and strategy.
  • Acting as a sounding board to the Dean on issues pertaining to the advancement of the Faculty and the achievement of its vision.
  • Assisting in the development and on-going review of the Faculty's long-term planning and initiatives.
  • Linking the Faculty to individuals and organizations with the financial resources, know-ledge, and contacts it requires to achieve its objectives and to fulfil its mission.
  • Enhancing the Faculty’s profile as an academic institution for business, economic and social sciences.
  • Facilitating student and faculty interactions with the research and business community, as well with the public and non-profit sectors, through the advancement of cooperative research and educational activities.

The members of the Advisory Board are:

  • Ms. Muhterem Aras MdL
    President of the state parliament and alumna of the faculty
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Boockmann   
    Scientific Director of the Institute for Applied Economic Research e.V. of the University of Tübingen
  • Mr. Ulrich Dietz
    Chairman of the Board of Directors and former Managing Director and CEO of GFT Technologies SE
  • Ms. Stephanie Fleischmann
    Economic Development Region Stuttgart GmbH, alumna of the faculty
  • Ms. Anja Hendel
    Managing Director diconium GmbH Stuttgart
  • Dr. Susanne Herre
    Managing Director IHK Region Stuttgart, Chairwoman of the University Council of the University of Hohenheim
  • Mr. Ibrahim Köran
    Manager, GovTech Lead, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
  • Mr. Carsten Löffelholz
    PT/FC Senior Vice President at Bosch Power Tools
  • Prof. Wilfried Niessen
    Director General and Dean at the HEC-ULg School of Management of the University of Liège
  • Fabian Probost
    Master student and member of the student council for economics and social sciences

Advisory Board - Rules of Procedure

Contact Person: Managing Director, Dr. Sascha Becker


Dean's Office of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences

Phone +49 (0)711 459 22488
Fax: +49 (0)711 459 22785