B.Sc. Sustainability & Change

Profile area

From the 4th semester onwards, you can specialize and develop your own personal profile. After you have learned the basics of Sustainability & Change during the first three semesters, you have the opportunity to design your studies according to your own interests and professional goals. Your profile area comprises 42 credits. You can choose from modules in the summer and winter semesters. Please note that there are modules with participant restrictions. You can find more information on this page.

Modules without participant restrictions
Modules with participant restrictions

Allocation via preference survey

Allocation via Ilias

Allocation via Humboldt reloaded

Modules without participant restrictions


Modules with participant restrictions

Allocation via preference survey

  • Research internship | various offers

Allocation via Ilias

Allocation via über Humboldt reloaded

Allocation procedure

Allocation via preference survey

The allocation of the limited places in the profile area modules takes place via an allocation procedure at the Chair of Sustainable Development and Change (Lilli Frank). One allocation procedure is offered per semester. In the allocation procedure, you indicate your preferences as to which module(s) you would like to take. The allocation procedure always takes place at the end of the semester or during the lecture-free period via a survey. All information is available in the S&C course newsletter. If you have not yet registered for this, you can do so here

Allocation via Ilias

Some lecturers allocate free places directly by joining the Ilias course. The rule here is first come, first serve. So take a close look at when you can register.