FZID Discussion Papers
FZID Discussion Papers
The FZID discussion paper series is the serial of the FZID, which comprises working papers of the competence centres of the FZID. These working papers are articles from members of the FZID on academic debates.
The publications contain temporary articles, which are intended to be published in trade journals. The discussion papers are written in the competence centres and appear in a publication series. If you are interested in one of the publications please contact the FZID office.
Discussion Papers 2014
Number | Title | File size | Author | CC |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 96/2014 | Network evolution, success, and regional developement in the European aerospace industry | 1.5 MB | Daniel Guffarth, Michael J. Barber | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 95/2014 | RANKING THE PERFORMANCE OF NATIONAL INNOVATION SYSTEMS IN THE IBERIAN PENINSULA AND LATIN AMERICA FROM A NEO-SCHUMPETERIAN ECONOMICS PERSPECTIVE | 0.5 MB | Harold Paredes-Frigolett, Andreas Pyka, Javier Pereira, Luiz Flàvio Autran Monteiro Gomes | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 94/2014 | Chinese urbanites and the preservation of rare species in remote parts of the country - The example of eaglewood | 0.5 MB | Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, Gerhard Langenberger, Sonna Pelz | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 93/2014 | Non-Financial Hurdles for Human Capital Accumulation: Landownership in Korea under Japanese Rule | 0.9 MB | Bogang Jun, Tai-Yoo Kim | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 92/2014 | The Tradeoff between Fertility and Education: Evidence from the Korean Development Path | 1 MB | Bogang Jun, Joongho Lee | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 91/2014 | Varieties of Knowledge-Based Bioeconomies | 0.6 MB | Sophie Urmetzer, Andreas Pyka | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 90/2014 | Outlier Detection in Structural Time Series Models: the Indicator Saturation Approach | 0.5 MB | Martyna Marczak, Tommaso Proietti | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 89/2014 | The geography of stock exchanges in Imperial Germany | 0.8 MB | Carsten Burhop, Sibylle H. Lehmann-Hasemeyer | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 88/2014 | Job Insecurity, Employability, and Health: An Analysis for Germany across Generations | 0.1 MB | Steffen Otterbach, Alfonso Sousa-Poza | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 87/2014 | Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity in China: Evidence from the China Health and Nutrition Survey | 0.8 MB | Peng Nie, Alfonso Sousa-Poza | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 86/2014 |
| 0.7 MB | Stefan Kirn, Claus D. Müller-Hengstenberg | CC Information Systems and Communication Technologies |
Discussion Paper 2013
Number | Title | File size | Author | CC |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 85/2013 | Kartellbekämpfung und interne Kartellstrukturen: Ein netzwerktheoretischer Ansatz | 0.6 MB | Athanasios Saitis | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 84/2013 | The European aerospace R&D collaboration network | 3.5 MB | Daniel Guffarth, Michael J. Barber | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 83/2013 | 0.2 MB | Peter Spahn | CC Economics | |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 82/2013 | Does Medieval Trade Still Matter? Historical Trade Centers, Agglomeration and Contemporary Economic Development | 5.6 MB | Fabian Wahl | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 81/2013 | The influence of ethnicity and culture on the valuation of environmental improvements - Results from a CVM study in Southwest China- | 0.5 MB | Michael Ahlheim, | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 80/2013 | Capital Income Shares and Income Inequality in the European Union | 0.7 MB | Eva Schlenker, | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 79/2013 | Turkish-German Innovation Networks in the European Research Landscape | 1.6 MB | Irene Prostolupow, Andreas Pyka, Barbara Heller-Schuh | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 78/2013 | THE SUCCESS FACTORS OF TECHNOLOGY-SOURCING THROUGH MARGERS & ACQUISITIONS - AN INTUITIVE META-ANALYSIS | 0.5 MB | Benjamin Schön, Andreas Pyka | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 77/2013 | 0.5 MB | Sheida Rashidi, Andreas Pyka | CC Innovation and Knowledge | |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 76/2013 | Macroeconomic Stabilisation and Bank Lending: A Simple Workhorse Model | 0.4 MB | Peter Spahn | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 75/2013 | Inter-firm R&D Networks in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology: What Determines Firm's Centrality-based Partnering Capability? | 1.0 MB | Yin Krogmann, Nadine Riedel, Ulrich Schwalbe | CC Economics, CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 74/2013 | Risiken aus Cloud-Computing-Services: Fragen des Risikomanagements und Aspekte der Versicherbarkeit | 0.9 MB | Andreas Haas, Anette Hofmann | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 73/2013 | Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity – A European Perspective | 0.5 MB | Wencke Gwozdz, Alfonso Sousa-Poza, Lucia A. Reisch, Wolfgang Ahrens, Stefaan De Henauw, Gabriele Eiben, Juan M. Fernández-Alvira, Charalampos Hadjigeorgiou, Eva Kovács, Fabio Lauria, Toomas Veidebaum, Garrath Williams, Karin Bammann | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 72/2013 | How does subjective well-being evolve with age? A literature review | 0.5 MB | Beatriz Fabiola López Ulloa, Valerie Møller und Alfonso Sousa-Poza | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 71/2013 | Capability-based governance patterns over the product life-cycle | 0.5 MB | B. Vermeulen, A. Pyka, J.A La Poutré, A.G. de Kok | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 70/2013 | The Evolution of Innovation Networks: The Case of a German Automotive Network | 1.2 MB | Tobias Buchmann, Andreas Pyka | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 69/2013 | Which form of venture capital is most supportive of innovation? Evidence from European biotechnology companies | 0.6 MB | Fabio Bertoni, Tereza Tykvová | CC Corporate Finance & Risk Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 68/2013 | Considering Household Size in Contingent Valuation Studies | 0.4 MB | Michael Ahlheim, Friedrich Schneider | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 67/2013 | Nonuse values of climate policy - An empirical study in Xinjiang and Beijing | 1.0 MB | Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, Jiang Tong, Luo Jing, Sonna Pelz | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 66/2013 | Coporate Taxation and the Quality of Research and Development | 0.6 MB | Christof Ernst, Katharina Richter, Nadine Riedel | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 65/2013 | Innovation, economic diversification and human development | 0.6 MB | Dominik Hartmann, Andreas Pyka | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 64/2013 | Monthly US Business Cycle Indicators: A New Multivariate Approach Based on a Band-Pass Filter | 0.4 MB | Martyna Marczak, Victor Gómez | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 63/2013 | Ageing and Productivity | 0.3 MB | David E. Bloom, Alfonso Sousa-Poza | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 62/2013 | Real Wage Cyclicality of Newly Hired Workers | 1.5 MB | Heiko Stüber | CC Economics |
Discussion Papers 2012
Number | Title | File size | Author | CC |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 61/2012 | The Impact of Transfer Pricing on Profit Shifting within European Multinationals | 0.5 MB | Theresa Lohse, Nadine Riedel | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 60/2012 | SPECTRAN, a Set of Matlab Programs for Spectral Analysis | 0.5 MB | Martyna Marczak, Víctor Gómez | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 59/2012 | Political rights, taxation, and firm valuation - Evidence from Saxony around 1900 | 0.7 MB | Sibylle H. Lehmann, Philipp Hauber, Alexander Opitz | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 58/2012 | Taking Firms to the Stock Market: IPOs and the Importance of Large Banks in Imperial Germany 1896-1913 | 1.0 MB | Sibylle H. Lehmann | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 57/2012 | Integration durch Währungsunion? Der Fall der Euro-Zone | 0.5 MB | Peter Spahn | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 56/2012 | Fairness Considerations in Labor Union Wage Setting – A Theoretical Analysis | 0.9 MB | Matthias Strifler, | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 55/2012 | 0.9 MB | Michael Ahlheim, Tobias Börger, Oliver Frör | CC Economics | |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 54/2012 | Identifizierung und Analyse Deutsch-Türkischer Innovationsnetzwerke. Erste Ergebnisse des TGIN-Projektes | 1.0 MB | Dominik Hartmann, Andreas Pyka, Seda Aydin, Lena Klauß, Fabian Stahl, Ali Santircioglu, Silvia Oberegelsbacher, Sheida Rashidi, Gaye Onan, Suna Erginkoc | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 53/2012 | Statistischer Überblick der türkischen Migration in Baden-Württemberg und Deutschland | 1.3 MB | Dominik Hartmann, Micha Kaiser | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 52/2012 | Why It Matters What People Think - Beliefs, Legal Origins and the Deep Roots of Trust | 1.0 MB | Fabian Wahl | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 51/2012 | Die Durchsetzung von Schnittstellen in der Standardsetzung: Fallbeispiel Ladesystem Elektromobilität | 4.5 MB | André P. Slowak | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 50/2012 | Cyclicality of Real Wages in the USA and Germany: New Insights from Wavelet Analysis | 0.9 MB | Martyna Marczak, Víktor Gómez | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 49/2012 | Distal Embedding as a Technology Innovation Network Formation Strategy | 0.6 MB | Harold Paredes-Frigolett, Andreas Pyka | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 48/2012 | Sen meets Schumpeter. Introducing structural and dynamic elements into the human capability approach | 0.4 MB | Dominik Hartmann | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 47/2012 | Assessing Uncertainty in Europe and the US - Is there a Common Factor? | 0.3 MB | Oliver Sauter | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 46/2012 | Innovationspotentiale in Baden-Württemberg: Branchenspezifische Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaktivität, regionales Patentaufkommen und Beschäftigungsstruktur | 1.3 MB | Julian P. Christ, Ralf Rukwid | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 45/2012 | Innovationspotentiale in Baden-Württemberg: Produktionscluster im Bereich „Metall, Elektro, IKT“ und regionale Verfügbarkeit akademischer Fachkräfte in den MINT-Fächern | 1.2 MB | Ralf Rukwid, Julian P. Christ | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 44/2012 | Varieties of Service Economies in Europe | 0.5 MB | Gisela Di Meglio, Andreas Pyka, | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 43/2012 | Business Taxes and the Electoral Cycle | 2.9 MB | Dirk Foremny, Nadine Riedel | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 42/2012 | A Taxonomy of Innovation Networks | 0.5 MB | Benjamin Schön, Andreas Pyka | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
Discussion Paper 2011
Number | Title | Filesize | Author | CC |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 41/2011 | Quantitative Clusteridentifikation auf Ebene der deutschen Stadt- und Landkreise (1999-2008) | 0,4 MB | Ralf Rukwid, Julian P. Christ | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 40/2011 | A direct test of socially desirable responding in contingent valuation interviews | 1,3 MB | Tobias Börger | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 39/2011 | Respondent incentives in contingent valuation: The role of reciprocity | 0,5 MB | Michael Ahlheim, Tobias Börger, Oliver Frör | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 38/2011 | Inter-firm R&D Networks in the Global Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Industry during 1985–1998: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis | 1,4 MB | Yin Krogmann, Ulrich Schwalbe | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 37/2011 | A Behavioral Macroeconomic Model with Endogenous Boom-Bust Cycles and Leverage Dynamics | 0,8 MB | Lukas Scheffknecht, Felix Geiger | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 36/2011 | Work Hours Constraints and Health | 0,3 MB | D. Bell, S. Otterbach, A. Sousa-Poza | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 35/2011 | Avoiding evolutionary inefficiencies in innovation networks | 0,3 MB | Andreas Pyka | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 34/2011 | Anwendung des öffentlichen Vergaberechts auf moderne IT Softwareentwicklungsverfahren | 0,4 MB | Claus D. Hengstenberg, Stefan Kirn | CC Information Systems and Communication Technologies |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 33/2011 | R&D and Knowledge Dynamics in University-Industry Relationships in Biotech and Pharmaceuticals: an Agent-Based Model | 0,9 MB | Giorgio Triulzi, Ramon Scholz, Andreas Pyka | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 32/2011 | The Development of the Standard of Living in the Third Reich - A Happiness Economic Perspective | 0,6 MB | Fabian Wahl | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 31/2011 | DIE WÄHRUNGSUNION: Die Euro-Verschuldung der Nationalstaaten als Schwachstelle der EWU | 0,3 MB | Peter Spahn | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 30/2011 | Measuring social capital and innovation in poor agricultural communities. The case of Cháparra - Peru | 0,6 MB | Dominik Hartmann, Atilio Arata | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 29/2011 | Causes of persistent productivity differences in the West German states in the period from 1950 to 1990 | 1,1 MB | Nicole Waidlein | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 28/2011 | Asymmetric obligations | 0,4 MB | Nadine Riedel, Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 27/2011 | Engel Curves, Spatial Variation in Prices and Demand for Commodities in Côte d’Ivoire | 0,6 MB | Monnet Benoit Patrick Gbakou and Alfonso Sousa-Poza | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 26/2011 | Verhaltensmodelle für Softwareagenten im Public Goods Game | 0,5 MB | Marcus Müller, Guillaume Stern, Ansger Jacob, Stefan Kirn | CC Information Systems and Communication Technologies |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 25/2011 | 1,2 MB | Michael Schuele, Stefan Kirn | CC Information Systems and Communication Technologies | |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 24/2011 | Earning Shocks and Tax-Motivated Income-Shifting: Evidende from European Multinationals | 0,6 MB | Dhammika Dharmapala, Nadine Riedel | CC Economics |
Discussion Paper 2010
Number | Title | Filesize | Author | CC |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 23/2010 | Guns and Butter – But No Margarine: The Impact of Nazi Economic Policies on German Food Consumption, 1933-38 | 0,5 MB | Mark Spoerer, Jochen Streb | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 22/2010 | Does Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity Dampen Wage Increases? | 0,6 MB | Heiko Stüber, Thomas Beissinger | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 21/2010 | Foreign Patenting in Germany, 1877-1932 | 0,4 MB | Harald Degner, Jochen Streb | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 20/2010 | Real Wages and the Business Cycle in Germany | 0,5 MB | Martyna Marczak, Thomas Beissinger | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 19/2010 | Contract design and insurance fraud: an experimental investigation | 0,5 MB | Frauke Lammers, Jörg Schiller | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 18/2010 | Ökonomische Aspekte der Entlohnung und Regulierung unabhängiger Versicherungsvermittler | 0,5 MB | Jörg Schiller | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 17/2010 | 2,5 MB | Stefan Kirn (Ed.) | CC Information Systems and Communication Technologies | |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 16/2010 | The Welfare State Evolves: German Knappschaften, 1854-1923 | 0,6 MB | Tobias A. Jopp | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 15/2010 | Windows of Technological Opportunity Do Technological Booms Influence the Relationship between Firm Size and Innovativeness? | 0,4 MB | Harald Degner | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 14/2010 | The Geography and Co-location of European Technology-specific Co-inventorship Networks | 1,1 MB | Julian P. Christ | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No 13/2010 | Labour as a Utility Measure in Contingent Valuation Studies - How good is it really? | 0,4 MB | Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör, Nguyen Minh Duc, Pham Van Dinh | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 12/2010 | Drinking and protecting - A Market approach to the preservation of cork oak landscapes | 0,5 MB | Michael Ahlheim, Oliver Frör | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 11/2010 | Economic Consequences of Low Fertility in Europe | 0,5 MB | David E. Bloom, Alfonso Sousa-Poza | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 10/2010 | 0,7 MB | Rahel Aichele, Gabriel Felbermayr | CC Economics |
Discussion Papers 2009
Number | Title | Filesize | Author | CC |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 9/2009 | Catching-up and Falling Behind. Knowledge Spillover from Americ an to German Machine Tool Makers | 0,5 MB | Ralf Richter, Jochen Streb | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 8/2009 | Production and employment impacts of new technologies – Analysis for biotechnology | 0,8 MB | Sven Wydra | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 7/2009 | Mismatches between Actual and Preferred Work Time: Empirical Evidence of Houers Constraints in 21 Countries | 0,7 MB | Steffen Otterbach | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 6/2009 | Unemployment in an Interdependent World | 1,0 MB | Gabriel Felbermayr, Mario Larch, Wolfgang Lechthaler | CC Economics |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 5/2009 | WHY BLU-RAY VS. HD-DVD IS NOT VHS VS. BETAMAX: THE CO-EVOLUTION OF STANDARD-SETTING CONSORTIA | 1,0 MB | Julian P. Christ, André P. Slowak | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 4/2009 | Intermediation and Matching in Insurance Markets | 0,3 MB | Uwe Focht, Andreas Richter und Jörg Schiller | CC Health Care Management |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 3/2009 | GENERALIZED BARRIERS TO ENTRY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT | 0,8 MB | Pier Paolo Saviotti, Andreas Pyka | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
FZID Discussion Paper No. 2/2009 | MARKET FIELD STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS IN INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION | 0,8 MB | André P. Slowak | CC Innovation and Knowledge |
Discussion Papers: Instructions for authors
The articles can be retrieved via the FZID website or the OPUS server. There is also a limited printed edition for authors and FZID members.
We are pleased about:
- articles from junior scientists
- working papers, which are originated with FZID visiting researchers
- articles from FZID research projects