The Eifel Tower meets The Stuttgart TV Tower  [22.05.14]

Students from Paris visit Hohenheim: Students from the IAE Paris are attending an international seminar week on in the areas of Finance und Controlling

A group of 29 students took part in lectures and seminars with Prof. Burghof, Prof. Ernst and Prof. Tümmers to gain in-depth knowledge on complex topics of finances and controlling.
The Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) is affiliated to the University of Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne and has established itself as a Graduate Business School that focuses on educating and further training of executives from the industry. The IAE Paris is a partner with the University of Hohenheim regarding the double Master's degree program with the study course "Management" and maintains this partnership within the framework of a student exchange program.
This seminar week is taking place for the third time and was organized by the International Office. In addition to the courses, the students have an extensive complimentary program. The Stuttgart Stock Exchange and Mercedes Benz Museum stand on the list of must-visits. "This event is a lived partnership for both universities, which provides students with an insight into economics, society and culture", says the co-ordinator Lars Banzhaf.

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