Seminarworkshop und Einführung in die Software SciLab für Studierende im Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften vom 29.06.-01.07.2022  [17.06.22]

Der Seminarworkshop findet im Rahmen einer Kurzzeit-Gastdozentur von Raúl Ruiz de la Hermosa González-Carrato in Hohenheim statt. Raúl Ruiz de la Hermosa González-Carrato ist Dozent an unserer Partnereinrichtung CUNEF in Madrid, Spanien.

Das Angebot richtet sich v.a. an Bachelor Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften zwischen dem 2.-4. Semester. Die Teilnahme steht aber auch anderen Studierenden offen und ermöglicht eine erste Annäherung an englischsprachigen Unterricht. Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich und erfolgt über die F.I.T.-Plattform.


Do you still think exchanging Excel spreadsheets is the best option when dealing with big volumes of data? No matter if you study, work or research ... SciLab is always an option! SciLab is an open-source professional tool oriented to statistical analysis, numerical optimization and modeling, symbolic manipulation, etc. Nowadays is one of the best alternatives to MATLAB with easy transferability between programs. SciLab is a free software, easily downloable, that works for Windows and Mac OS.


With the proposed course, the student will acquire practical knowledge for solving problems related to algebra (with and without symbolic parameters), optimization as well as 2D and 3D representations.


The course will be divided in 5 lessons (approx. 15 hours) according to these topics:

1. Introduction to Scilab.
2. Introduction to vector and matrix commands.
3. Resolution of algebraic exercises with and without symbolic parameters.
4. Optimization.
5. Graphical representations in 2D and 3D.

SciLab is a free software, easily downloable, that works for Windows and Mac OS.


All the training activities are based on a teaching-learning methodology for collaborative and cooperative learning

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